Set Playback Direction

What it does: Sets the given direction the song should be played in. A given pitch of 0 or more means it is a normal song and should just be played with the given pitch value from the start. Less than 0 means that the song will play in reverse from the end of the song and returns an AudioError (see Possible Errors), showing wheter and how setting the playback direction failed.

Possible Errors:


How to call it:

  • SoundName is the name we have given the sound we want to set the playback direction of
  • Pitch decides the direction and speed we play the song at, less than 0 means it will be played in reverse while 0 more will mean it will be played normally
  • Child is the ChildType that we want to call this method on
string soundName = "SoundName";
floatch pitch = -1f;
ChildType child = ChildType.PARENT;

AudioError err = am.SetPlaypbackDirection(soundName, pitch, child);
if (err != AudioError.OK) {
    Debug.Log("Setting playback direction for sound called: " + soundName + " failed with error id: " + err);
else {
    Debug.Log("Setting playback direction for sound called: " + soundName + " succesfull");

Alternatively you can call the methods with less paramters as some of them have default arguments.

string soundName = "SoundName";

AudioError err = am.SetPlaypbackDirection(soundName);
if (err != AudioError.OK) {
    Debug.Log("Setting playback direction for sound called: " + soundName + " failed with error id: " + err);
else {
    Debug.Log("Setting playback direction for sound called: " + soundName + " succesfull");

When to use it: When you want to play a song in reverse or change its pitch.