Get Playback Position

What it does: Returns the current playback position of the given sound in seconds and returns an AudioError (see Possible Errors), showing wheter and how getting the current playback position of the sound failed.

Possible Errors:


How to call it:

  • SoundName is the name we have given the sound we want to get the playback position of
  • Time is the variable the playback position in seconds will be copied into float.NaN on failure
  • Child is the ChildType that we want to call this method on
string soundName = "SoundName";
float time = float.NaN;
ChildType child = ChildType.PARENT;

AudioError error = am.GetPlaybackPosition(soundName, out time, child);
if (error != AudioError.OK) {
    Debug.Log("Getting playBackPosition of the sound called: " + soundName + " failed with error id: " + error);
else {
    Debug.Log("Getting playBackPosition of the sound called: " + soundName + " with the position being: " + time.ToString("0.00") + " succesfull");

Alternatively you can call the methods with less paramters as some of them have default arguments.

string soundName = "SoundName";
float time = float.NaN;

AudioError error = am.GetPlaybackPosition(soundName, out time);
if (error != AudioError.OK) {
    Debug.Log("Getting playBackPosition of the sound called: " + soundName + " failed with error id: " + error);
else {
    Debug.Log("Getting playBackPosition of the sound called: " + soundName + " with the position being: " + time.ToString("0.00") + " succesfull");

When to use it: When you want to get the time the current amount of time the sound has been playing already.