Custom Audio Manager

Starting from v1.7.0 see (GitHub release) the project structure has been completly reworked. Therefore a custom IAudioManager implementation can now be implemented.

To create a custom IAudioManager implementation, we first have to create a new C# script. An example template can be found below:

using AudioManager.Core;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Audio;

public class ExampleAudioManager : IAudioManager {
    public ExampleAudioManager() {
        // Nothing to do.

    public AudioError AddSoundFromPath(string name, string path, float volume, float pitch, bool loop, AudioSource source, AudioMixerGroup mixerGroup) {
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

    public AudioError Play(string name) {
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

    public AudioError PlayAtTimeStamp(string name, float startTime) {
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

    public ValueDataError<float> GetPlaybackPosition(string name) {
        return new ValueDataError<float>(float.NaN, AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED);

    public AudioError PlayAt3DPosition(string name, Vector3 position) {
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

    public AudioError PlayOneShotAt3DPosition(string name, Vector3 position) {
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

    public AudioError PlayAttachedToGameObject(string name, GameObject gameObject) {
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

    public AudioError PlayOneShotAttachedToGameObject(string name, GameObject gameObject) {
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

    public AudioError PlayDelayed(string name, float delay) {
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

    public AudioError PlayOneShot(string name) {
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

    public AudioError ChangePitch(string name, float minPitch, float maxPitch) {
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

    public AudioError PlayScheduled(string name, double time) {
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

    public AudioError Stop(string name) {
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

    public AudioError ToggleMute(string name) {
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

    public AudioError TogglePause(string name) {
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

    public AudioError SubscribeAudioFinished(string name, float remainingTime, AudioFinishedCallback callback) {
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

    public ValueDataError<float> GetProgress(string name) {
        return new ValueDataError<float>(float.NaN, AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED);

    public AudioError TryGetSource(string name, out AudioSource source) {
        source = null;
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

    public AudioError LerpPitch(string name, float endValue, float waitTime, int granularity) {
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

    public AudioError LerpVolume(string name, float endValue, float waitTime, int granularity) {
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

    public AudioError ChangeGroupValue(string name, string exposedParameterName, float newValue) {
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

    public ValueDataError<float> GetGroupValue(string name, string exposedParameterName) {
        return new ValueDataError<float>(float.NaN, AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED);

    public AudioError ResetGroupValue(string name, string exposedParameterName) {
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

    public AudioError LerpGroupValue(string name, string exposedParameterName, float endValue, float waitTime, int granularity) {
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

    public AudioError RemoveGroup(string name) {
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

    public AudioError AddGroup(string name, AudioMixerGroup mixerGroup) {
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

    public AudioError RemoveSound(string name) {
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

    public AudioError Set3DAudioOptions(string name, float minDistance, float maxDistance, float spatialBlend, float spread, float dopplerLevel, AudioRolloffMode rolloffMode) {
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

    public AudioError SetStartTime(string name, float startTime) {
        return AudioError.NOT_INITIALIZED;

Be aware calling ServiceLocator.RegisterService() will register the NullAudioManager if null is passed into the function, meaning no Audio will be played anymore until ServiceLocator.RegisterService(), has been called again. Additionaly registering your own custom IAudioManager with ServiceLocator.RegisterService(), will result in logging being disabled if this is wanted as well either use the default IAudioLogger found in the AudioManager.Logger namespace or see (Logging) if you also want to create a custom IAudioLogger implementation.

Disabling audio at runtime

To disable all use of the AudioManager globally at runtime you can use the ServiceLocator.RegisterService() and simply pass null. Be aware tough this will result in both the IAudioLogger and IAudioManager being reset. Therefore if the same IAudioManager wants to be used afterwards, first use ServiceLocator.GetService() and stash the result locally in the script. Then if Audio needs be enabled again simply call ServiceLocator.RegisterService() again, with the stashed IAudioManager. A short example can be found below:

using AudioManager.Core;
using AudioManager.Locator;

public class AudioHandler {
    // Set the cachedInstance to NullAudioManager per default,
    // to ensure EnableAudio doesn't register null and disable audio completly.
    private IAudioManager cachedInstance = NullAudioManager;

    public static void DisableAudio() {
        cachedInstance = ServiceLocator.GetService();

    public static void EnableAudio() {