Types and classes

Relevant content from Chapter 3 of Programming in Haskell 2nd Edition

Basic concepts

Type is a collection of related values. Usually displayed with the different notations explained below.

v :: T v is a value in the type T
e :: T e is an expression that has not yet been evaluated and will produce a value of type T

Every expression needs a type, calculated prior to evaluating the expression. This is done by a process called type inference.

f is a function that maps arguments of type A to arguments of type B and e is an expression of type A, then application f e has type B

f :: A -> B, e :: A ==> f e :: B

Type error are deemed invalid expressions and happen when an expression does not have a type.

not :: Bool -> Bool, not 3 ==> not 3 :: Bool

This is invalid because the 3 is not of type Bool.

These types are checked before the evaluation, therefore Haskell programs are type safe.

Basic types

Bool Logical values Contains True and False
Char Single characters Contains all single characters in the Unicode system. Enclosed in single quotes ' '
String Strings of characters Contains all sequences of characters and the empty string "". Enclosed in double quotes " "
Int Fixed-precision integers Contains integers, with a fixed amount of memory being used for storage. GHC range -2^63 - 2^63 - 1
Integer Arbitrary-precision integers Contains integers with as much memory as necessary being used for storage
Float Single-precision floating-point numbers Contains numbers with decimal point, with fixed amount of memory being used for storage. Digits permitted after decimal point depends upon size of the number (7 total digits)
Double Double-precision floating-point numbers Similar to Float, except twice as much memory is used to increase precision (14 total digits)

List types

Sequence of elements of the same type, while being enclosed in square parentheses and separated by commas [T, T, T].

Number of elements is called length. List [] of length zero is called empty list.

List of length one [[]], [T] are called singleton lists.

Type of the list only implies information about the type in the list. Not about its length because there is no requirement for it to be finite.

[False, True, False] :: [Bool]

Tuple types

Tuple is a finite sequence of components of possibly different types, while being enclosed in round parentheses and separated by commas (T1, T2).

Number of components in tuple is called arity Tuple () of arity zero is called empty tuple.

Tuples (T1, T2) of arity two is called pair. Tuples (T1, T2, T3) of arity three is called triples.

Tuples (T1) of arity one, however are not permitted, because they would conflict with the use of parentheses t make evaluation order explicit (1 + 2) * 3.

Type of tuple (Bool, Char) conveys its arity. Furthermore, there are no restrictions on types of components.

('a', (False, 'b')) :: (Char, (Bool, Char))
(['a', 'b'], [False, True]) :: ([Char], [Bool])
[('a', False), ('b', True)] :: [(Char, Bool)]

Tuples must have a finite arity, in order to ensure tuple types can be inferred prior to evaluation.

Function types

Function is a mapping T1 -> T2 from arguments of one type to results of another type.

Simple way to handle the case of multiple arguments and results, is by packaging multiple values using a list or tuple, this is possible because there are no restrictions on the types of arguments and results.

There is no restriction that functions must be total on their argument type, meaning there may be some arguments for which the result is not defined.

> head []
*** Exception: Prelude.head: empty list

Curried functions

Functions with multiple arguments can also be handled in another way. More specifically by exploiting the fact that functions are free to return functions as results.

Consider the following definition:

add :: (Int, Int) -> Int
add' :: Int -> (Int -> Int)
add' x y = x + y

The type state it is a function that takes a argument of type Int and returns a result that is a function of type Int -> Int. More precisely it states that it takes a Int followed by another Int and returns the result of both Int combined.

The function add produces the same final result as add', but add takes the two arguments packaged as a pair at once, add' takes them one at a time.

Functions with more than just two arguments can be handled using the same way.

-- 3 Arguments, 1 Result
mult :: Int -> (Int -> (Int -> Int))
mult x y z = x * y * z

These types of functions are called curried functions, the main advantage are that they are more flexible than their Tuple / List counterpart. That is mainly because a curried function with only a partially filling the needed arguments and using that in combination with another function.

Furthermore, excess parentheses can be dropped, because the function arrow -> assumes association to the right.

-- Explicit
:: Int -> (Int -> (Int -> Int))
-- Implicit
:: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int

Consequently, function application, using spacing is assumed to associate to the left and unless tupling is explicitly required, all functions with multiple arguments are normally defined as curried functions.

-- Explicit
((mult x) y) z
-- Implicit
mult x y z

Polymorphic types

To use a function on any element, irrespective of type, polymorphic types can be used.

> length [1, 3, 5, 7]

> length ["Yes", "No"]

> length [sin, cos, tan]

This is done by the inclusion of a type variable. These must begin with a lower-case letter, usually simply named a, b, c, … for example type of length is as follows.

length :: [a] -> Int

For any type a, the function length has type [a] -> Int. A type that contains one or more type variables is called polymorphic. Hence, [a] -> Int is a polymorphic type / length is a polymorphic function.

Overloaded types

To restrict polymorphic types to certain needed features and functionality class constraint can be used. These are written in the form C a, where C is the name of a class and a is a type variable.

(+) :: Num a => a -> a -> a

In other words for any type a that is an instance of class Num the function (+) has type a -> a -> a. A type / expression that contains one or more class constraints is called `overloaded.

Basic classes

Class is a collection of types that support certain overloaded operations called methods. All classes mentioned below (besides Num, Integral, Fractional) can be instanced by all basic types Bool, Char, String, Int, Integer, Float and Double as well as list and tuple.

Eq - equality types

Types whose values can be compared for equality and inequality. Function types are not instances of the Eq class.

(==) :: a -> a -> Bool
(/=) :: a -> a -> Bool

Ord - ordered types

Types that are instances of the Eq class and in addition whose values are totally (linearly) ordered.

(<) :: a -> a -> Bool
(<=) :: a -> a -> Bool
(>) :: a -> a -> Bool
(>=) :: a -> a -> Bool
min :: a -> a -> a
max :: a -> a -> a

Note String, list and tuple are ordered lexicographically. In order if their first components are in order, then the second components are not considered, else their second components must be in order.

Show - showable types

Types whose values can be converted into strings of characters.

show :: a -> String

Read - readable types

Types whose values can be converted from strings of characters.

read :: a -> String

The type can sometimes not be inferred by GHCi, therefore adding the type hints can be useful.

> read "('a'. False)" :: (Char, Bool)

Num - numeric types

Types whose values are numeric.

(+) :: a -> a -> a
(-) :: a -> a -> a
(*) :: a -> a -> a
negate :: a -> a
abs :: a -> a
signum :: a -> a

Only the basic types Int, Integer, Float, Double are instances of Num.

Furthermore, negative numbers must be parenthesized, when used as arguments, to ensure correct interpretation of the minus sign.

> signum (-3)

Integral - integral types

Types that are instances of Num and support integer division and integer remainder. (Int, Integer)

div :: a -> a -> a
mod :: a -> a -> a

Methods mentioned above are often called like this.

> 7 `div` 2

> 7 `mod` 2

Fractional - fractional types

Types that are instances of Num and support fractional division and fractional reciprocation. (Float, Double)

(/) :: a -> a -> a
recip :: a -> a