Interactive programming

Relevant content from Chapter 10 of Programming in Haskell 2nd Edition

The problem

Interactive programs require input from the user. This is achieved while still staying in the realm of pure functions with a new type.

The solution

An interactive program is viewed as a pure function that takes the current state of the world as its argument, and produces a modified world as its result. The modified world reflects any side effects that were performed by the program during execution.

Additionally, an interactive program may return a result in addition to performing side effects.

type IO a = World -> (a, World)

Expressions of type IO a are called actions.

IO () is the type of actions that returns the empty tuple () as a dummy result value and can be thought of as purely side-effecting actions that return no result value.

In addition to returning a result value, interactive programs may also require argument values. This can be achieved using the notion of currying.

type Char -> IO Int
-- Abbreviated from
type Char -> World -> (Int, World)

Basic actions

Three basic IO actions that are predefined.

  1. getChar reads a character from the keyboard, echoes it to the screen, and returns the character as its result value. If no character is waiting to be read, getChar waits until one is typed.
getChar :: IO Char
getChar = ...
  1. putChar c writes the character c to the screen ad returns no result value.
putChar :: Char -> IO ()
putChar c = ...
  1. return v returns the result value v without performing any interaction with the user. Provides a bridge between pure expressions without side effects to impure actions with side effects.
return :: a -> IO a
return v = ...

Once a function is impure it cannot be made pure again, it already produced side effects.


A sequence of IO actions can be combined into a single composite action using the do notation.

do v1 <- a1
   v2 <- a2
   vn <- an
   return (f v1 v2 ... vn)

First perform the action a1 and call its result value v1. Then perform the action a2 and call its result value v2, …., then perform the action an and call its result value vn.

Finally, apply the function f to combine all the results into a single value which is then returned as the result value from the expression as a whole.

Further, notes about the do notation:

  1. Each action in the sequence must begin in precisely the same column
  2. The expressions vi <- ai are called generators, because they generate values for the variable vi
  3. If the result value produced by a generator vi <- ai is not required, the generator can be abbreviated simply by ai, which is short form for _ <- ai
act :: IO (Char, Char)
act = do x <- getChar -- Reads first character and saves it into x
         getChar -- Reads and then discards second character
         y <- getChar -- Reads third character and saves it into y
         return (x, y) -- Returns the results as a pair

Omitting return would result in a type error, because (x, y) is an expression of type (Char, Char), whereas we require an action of type IO (Char, Char).

Derived primitives

Using the previously shown three basic actions with sequencing, there are additional useful action primitives in the standard prelude.

-- Reads a string of characters from the keyboard, until terminated by the newline character '\n'
getLine :: IO String
getLine = do x <- getChar
             if x == '\n' then
               return []
               do xs <- getLine
                  return (x:xs)

-- Write a string to the screen
putStr :: String -> IO ()
putStr [] = return ()
putStr (x:xs) = do putChar x
                   putStr xs

-- Write a string to the screen and also moves to a new line
putStrLn :: String -> IO ()
putStrLn xs = do putStr xs
                 putChar '\n'

These methods can now be used to create interactive programs.

-- Prompts user for a string to be entered and displays its length
strlen :: IO ()
strlen = do putStr "Enter a string: "
            xs <- getLine
            putStr "The string has "
            putStr (show (length xs))
            putStrLn " characters"

> strlen
Enter a string: Haskell is a good programming language
The string has 38 characters

Composing IO actions

It is possible to define an operator, that can be used to compose two IO actions into one IO action.

-- Non composed
do x <- getChar
   putChar x

-- Composed
getChar (>>=) (\x -> putChar x)
(>>=) :: IO Char -> (Char -> IO ()) -> IO ()
-- Making types more general
(>>=) :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b