

Oledump (oledump.py) is a tool written in python, that can analyze OLE (Compound File Binary Format). They are similar to a Zip archive, and are more commonly known as the MS Office extensions (.doc, .xls, .ppt).

Malicious actors may use macro to hide command / scripts within these documents.


You can run Oledump with the oledump.py [Filename] command.

C:\Desktop\Tools>oledump.py Document1.doc
1: 114 '\x01CompObj'
2: 4096 '\x05DocumentSummaryInformation'
3: 4096 '\x05SummaryInformation'
4: 13859 '1Table'
5: 33430 'Data'
6: 365 'Macros/PROJECT'
7: 41 'Macros/PROJECTwm'
8: M 9852 'Macros/VBA/ThisDocument'
9: 5460 'Macros/VBA/_VBA_PROJECT'
10: 513 'Macros/VBA/dir'

The letter M next to a stream indicates that the stream contains a VBA Macro. Each stream additionally has a number and a name to easily select one file for analysis.


-A Does an ASCII dump similar to option -a, but duplicate lines are removed
-S Dumps strings
-d Produces a RAW dump of the stream content
-s STREAM NUMBER or --select=STREAM NUMBER Allows you to select the stream number to analyze (-s a to select all streams)
-d, --dump Perform a RAW dump
-x, --hexdump Perform a HEX dump
-a, --asciidump Perform an ASCII dump
-S, --strings Perform strings dump
-v, --vbadecompress VBA decompression